@article{FriedApJL2024A, author = Fried, Z., El-Abd, S., Hays, B.M., Wenzel, G., Byrne, A., Margul\'{e}s, L., Motiyenko, R., Shipman, S.T., Horne, M.P., J\o{}rgensen, J.K., Brogan, C.L., Hunter, T.R., Remijan, A.J., Lipnicky, A., Loomis, R.A., McGuire, B.A., title = Rotational Spectrum and First Interstellar Detection of 2-Methoxyethanol using ALMA Observations of NGC 6334I, journal = Astrophysical Journal Lett., year = 2024, volume = 965, pages = 23 }